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Friday, August 6, 2010

Settling In

August 6:  Happy Anniversary, Jon ....gra geal mo croi!

How quickly time slipped by this week. Terence arrives in from the ferry boat later this evening for a few days over the weekend through the middle of next week.

This past week was filled of the ordinary settling in and establishing a flow to the days much like my constant  companion the Owenmore river that steadily glides by my writing window.  It is my reminder of time passing. Sometimes I imagine it has stopped just to slow it down. Futile. Like the seconds and minutes  24/7  it slips by.  Ever going on its way out, fulfilling it's destiny to meet the Unchin River below Union Woods and then fast flow on out to Ballisodare and Sligo Bay.

Yesterday,  after a yoga session, I settled into a two hour guided mediation.  Totallly refreshing and aha moments for journalling.