About Me

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday in NYC

July 25: On Sunday morning, we went to the 10:15 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of St Patrick. Archbishop Dolan gave the homily - felt he missed a golden opportunity in his homily to affirm the persistence and resilience of today's Catholics in light of the abuse scandals - it would have been perfect to link the gospel with today's realities (Gospel Luke 11: 1 - 13).

After Mass
we headed off for the Emily Dickinson exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. We made a wonderful discovery while there that there is a sweet children's garden full of interesting and exciting adventures to explore.

While we were there there was a fierce storm sufficiently severe to shut down the gardens because of falling trees.

Passing Through New York - from home to home

When I wrote the heading "passing through New York" I thought of the hundreds of immigrants in the last century and before who "passed through New York", and here in 2010 I am going the other way stopping off on my way back home to Ireland.

What reflections do I have with this passing through. I realize that I am a person of two worlds - the american emigrant who has embraced what it means to be an american, who has settled and made this great country her homeland while still holding onto her irish emigrant status. I do realize what this means for me - I am a person of two worlds, an outsider in both.